Concorso Tapirulan
- Calendario 2012 - Privacy

Rieccomi a scrivere per informarvi che finalmente stamane,
ho saputo i risultati del concorso Tapirulan
a cui avevo dedicato ben altri due post.

Sono rientrata tra i 28 autori segnalati!

Vale a dire che parteciperò con la mia
illustrazione alla mostra
che si terrà a Cremona il giorno 3 dicembre 2011
(inaugurazione, ore 17 presso Santa Maria della Pietà)
e che potrete trovarmi anche nel catalogo!

Insieme alla mostra di "Privacy"
ci sarà anche la mostra personale di oltre 70 opere
di Roberto Innocenti, presidente di giuria
e ospite speciale di questa edizione.

Qui di seguito il link alla pagina con l'elenco
delle 40 illustrazioni finaliste (le 12 che compariranno
nel calendario 2012 e le 28 segnalate),
dove troverete anche una breve spiega che vi sarà
d'aiuto per capire come votare:


Calendar 2012 - Privacy

Here I am
writing to inform you that finally this morning,
I knew the results of the competition to which I devoted much treadmill two other posts.

I came among the 28 authors reported!

That is to say that I will participate with my illustration in the exhibition to be held in Cremona on December 3, 2011 (opening, 17 hours at St. Mary of Mercy)
and that you can find me in the catalog!

Along with the exhibition of "Privacy"
There will also be the exhibition of over 70 works
Roberto Innocenti, President of the Jury
and special guest for this edition.

Here is the link to the page with the list of 40 finalists illustrations
(the 12
that appear in the calendar 2012 and the 28 reported), which also includes a brief explains that it's helpful to understand how to vote:


My Artwork:

2 commenti:

  1. This is great! Nice composition here.

    Regarding the circus art; we don't use whips in the US circus anymore: Now we sweet-talk the animals and give them holistic massage, with a shorter work week with pay.

  2. Thanks for the appreciation!

    Here in Italy there are rules on the use and training of the animals at the circus, I do not know exactly what restrictions. Personally I do not like the use of animals in circus shows and the environment I find it a little melancholy.

    "Happy Birthday - Circus" was a commissioned work - an invitation to a birthday special: "50 years" - and I know that the end result provided a photomontage of two faces. Unfortunately I have not had a chance to see the final result!
